Ten steps of using Zotero
Wanmin Liu
If you haven't used a reference manager, it's a good chance to try Zotero, an open source
reference manager. You can use it with your Google Docs or Word.
Installation before using: Install the Zotero in the following three steps.
Step 1. Install Zotero as an app on your computer. https://www.Zotero.org/
Step 2. Install Chrome extension of Zotero. It is called: Zotero Connector
Step 3. (If you use Google Docs), allow Zotero to access your Google Docs. It should be
similar if you only use Word.
How to use it?
There are two main stages:
● you collect the data, as the Step 4 and Step 5 below, and
● you refer to the data in your document, as the Step 6 to Step 10.
Step 4. Open the App Zotero on your computer.
Step 5. Collect references. A benefit of using a reference manager is that you SHOULD
NOT write the reference by yourself. You should collect the data of references.
How to collect data? -- An example
A good way to collect the references is to use the LIBRIS, as the data in LIBRIS is accurate.
Open the web browser that has the Zotero connector (as in Step 2), and visit the above
website, then search the reference you want. For example, I search Motivation och lärande,
it appears on the following page.