Chinese Name 柳万民
Email wanminliu (at)
About Me
I am currently on the job market. I am living with my family in Stockholm.
- 2025/01 — (2025/12, expected): KPUFU program of fulltime study, Stockholm University and KTH.
- 2024/08 — 2024/12: Teaching Assistant (part time), KTH.
- 2024/01 — 2024/08: KPUFU program of fulltime study, Stockholm University and KTH.
- 2021/09 — 2023/12: Teaching Assistant (part time), KTH.
- 2021/08 — 2023/05: Swedish learning at ABF Stockholm. Svenska som andraspråk 3, godkänd.
- 2019/01 — 2020/12: Researcher, Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University.
- 2015/12 — 2018/11: Research Fellow, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, South Korea.
- 2015/06: Ph.D., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, under the guidance of Prof Wei-Ping Li.
CV (June 2024) / PDF and CV på svenska (Dec 2024) / PDF
My papers on arXiv
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My research area is Algebraic Geometry. My research interests include Bridgeland stability conditions, moduli space, derived category, birational geometry, counting invariants and wall-crossing.
- Bridgeland stability condition – new aspects to symmetry and classification
- Bridgelands stabilitetsvillkor – nya aspekter av symmetri och klassificering
——, Jason Lo, Cristian Martinez, Fourier-Mukai transforms and stable sheaves on Weierstrass elliptic surfaces, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, Vol. 55, article number 47, (2024). See also DOI or arXiv:1910.02477 [math.AG].
Yu-Wei Fan, Chunyi Li, ——, Yu Qiu, Contractibility of space of stability conditions on the projective plane via global dimension function, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2023), 51—87. See also DOI or arXiv:2001.11984 [math.AG].
——, Song Yang, Xun Yu, Classification of full exceptional collections of line bundles on three blow-ups of $\mathbb{P}^3$, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol. 56, No. 2 (2019), 387—419. See also DOI or arXiv:1810.06367 [math.AG] and Preview. A previous version, titled by On exceptional collections of line bundles of maximal length on the blow-ups of $\mathbb{P}^3$, is available at CGP17025, 2017 July.
——, Bayer-Macrì decomposition on Bridgeland moduli spaces over surfaces, Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 58, No. 3 (2018), 595—621. See also DOI or arXiv:1501.06397 [math.AG] or CGP16027.
——, Bayer-Macrì decomposition on Bridgeland moduli spaces over surfaces, PhD Thesis, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2015. The PDF corrects some typos in the library version.
Xianling Fan, ——, An Exact Inequality Involving Luxemburg Norm and Conjugate-Orlicz Norm in $L^{p(x)}(\Omega)$, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2006), 177—188; translation in Chinese J. Contemp. Math., Vol. 27, No. 2 (2006), 147—158.
- Mu-Lin Li, ——, The limits of Kähler manifolds under holomorphic deformations, arXiv:2406.14076 [math.AG], 12 pages, submitted.
Below is a brief introduction to my teaching. For more details, please refer to my Teaching Page.
- 2024/08 — ——: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, various courses. More information is here.
- 2024/03 — 2024/05: Kärrtorps gymnasium, Matematik 1A, Matematik 1B, Matematik 3C, undervisa på svenska.
- Wanmin Liu, ODE, SageMath, and General AI - An Example From High School Teaching, 2024. / PDF
- Kambiz Kafi, Wanmin Liu, Poster on π-Day: Pi-dagen, 2024. / PDF
- More on High School.
- 2021/09 — 2023/12: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, various courses, Flervariabelanalys, Algebra och geometri, Calculus in Several Variable, Basic Course in Mathematics. More information is here.
- 2020 Fall at Uppsala University, Teaching Assistant for Linear Algebra II (1MA024). TA for Two groups, each group 20 hours online tutorial teaching, online cooperation with other TAs and lecturers on grading homework, midterm and final exams.
- 2020 Spring at Uppsala University, supervise an undergraduate student (10 credits).
Patrik Deigård, Liouville’s equation on simply connected domains, Bachelor Thesis (Kandidatarbete), 58 pages, Uppsala University, 2020 June, DiVA, id: diva2:1466472.
- 2019 Fall at Uppsala University, Lecturer for Differential Geometry (1MA011, 10 Credits). It contained 50 hours lectures, 45 min oral exam to each student. The full teaching material (with Course Plan, Lecture Notes, Homework and Oral Exam Plan) is in the following link:
- Wanmin Liu, Lecture Notes on Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, 232 pages, Uppsala University, 2019.
- Teaching Assistant for various courses at HKUST: Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Analysis, Linear Algebra, Concept in Math, Differential Geometry (I won the Best Teaching Assistant Award), Ordinary Differential Equation.
- Wanmin Liu, Tutorial Demo of Problems in Linear Algebra and Calculus (for Training New Teaching Assistant), 40 pages, 2012. / PDF
- Wanmin Liu, LaTeX Tutorial, 2012. / PDF
Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar of USTC, June 4, 2020, Contractibility of space of stability conditions on the projective plane via global dimension function / PDF
StringMath 2019, Gong Show Talk, Fourier-Mukai transforms of slope stable torsion-free sheaves on Weierstrass elliptic surfaces / PDF; and a Poster / PDF
Who is Who in Mirror Symmetry, May 27 - June 1, 2019, Fourier-Mukai transforms of slope stable torsion-free sheaves on Weierstrass elliptic surfaces, YouTube Video and an interesting Poster / PDF
- Classification of full exceptional collection of line bundles (of FINITE type) on the blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^7$ at a point.
- Notes on Maps in the Homotopy Category of dg-Categories / PDF, CGP Derived seminar on Bertrand Toën’s Lecture on DG-categories, 2017.
- Tutorial: Ten steps of using Zotero, June 2024
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- pdf2htmlEX — Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
- Talk on TUG2013: Online publishing via pdf2htmlEX / PDF
Here are some application of pdf2htmlEX for online publishing of mathematics.
- THE RISING SEA: Foundations of Algebraic Geometry — an HTML version of Ravi Vakil’s book
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- Si Li, Quantum Mechanics and Geometry.
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Last update on 14 February 2025.