3.2 A test on ChatGPT 3.5 with improved prompt, correct solutions
We improved the prompt as follows in the ChatGPT 3.5, and tested it on June
5, 2024.
Solve the ODE y’’(x)-8*y’(x)+16*y(x)=x*exp^{4x}, where y is a
function of variable x. Find a particular solution of the form
It generates the correct solutions. The full response is available at [8]. The
improved prompt provides the exact information needed for the correct guess
form for the particular solution of the ODE, which can be derived through
human mathematical logic as shown in
. We do not know if the current
general AI can solve this ODE directly without this additional information.
4 co nc lu si on .
This ODE example highlights the rigor and beauty of mathematics, demon-
strates the power of SageMath, and reveals the current limitations of general
artificial intelligence in solving complex mathematical problems. The quality
of ChatGPT responses is entirely dependent on the prompts that provided.
re fe re nc es
[1] ‘Mathematics Syllabus in the Swedish upper secondary school’. https:
[2] Attila Szabo, Niclas Larson, Daniel Dufåker, and Roger Fermsjö,
Matematik Origo 5. Sanoma Utbildning, 3 ed.
[3] Robert Adams and Christopher Essex, Calculus - a complete course.
Pearson, 10 ed.
[4] ‘SageMath Mathematical Software System - Sage’.
[5] The Sage Development Team, ‘Solving ordinary differential equations -
Symbolic Calculus’.
[6] ‘ChatGPT 3.5 gives the incorrect solutions of an ODE on 20240516’.
[7] ‘ChatGPT 3.5 gives the incorrect solutions of an ODE on 20240605’.
‘ChatGPT 3.5 gives the correct solutions of an ODE on 20240605’.