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This is my personal Teaching Page. It contains my various teaching notes.
Teaching Notes
Integraler och integralensammanfatta
SF1692 (ODE), KTH Lecture 2 och Lecture 3
SF1682 (Analytiska och numeriska metoder för differentialekvationer), KTH
SF1673 (Analys i en variabel), KTH
SF1625 (Single variable Calculus), KTH
SF1626 (Calculus in Several Variable, Flervariabelanalys), KTH
- Notes for Module 1: 3-dimensional geometry and functions of several variables
- Notes for Module 2: Partial derivatives and linear approximation
- Notes for Module 4: Integrals
- Notes for Module 5: Curve and surface integrals
- Notes for Module 6: Vector Analysis
Current Teaching
Teaching at KTH
2024 Fall. Lärarvikarie for Analytical and Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (SF1692), Lecture 2 to Lecture 3. Undervisa på svenska
2024 Fall. Teaching Assistant for Analys i en variabel (SF1673), övning 1 till övning 5. Undervisa på svenska
2023 Fall. Substitute teacher for Single variable Calculus (SF1625), Lecture 12 to Lecture 21.
2023 Fall. Substitute teacher for Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (SF1682), Lecture 1 to Lecture 6.
2023 Fall. Teaching Assistant for Analys i en variabel (SF1673).
2023 Spring, Period 4. Teaching Assistant for Flervariabelanalys (SF1626), with TimeTable CDATE1, CLGYM2, TIDAB, and Differentialekvationer (SF1633) with TimeTable CMAST2.
2023 Spring, Period 3. Teaching Assistant for Flervariabelanalys (SF1626), with TimeTable CITEH1, CMAST1, and TimeTable CDATE2.
- 2022 Fall, Period 2. Teaching Assistant for Algebra och geometri (SF1624), with TimeTable CELTE1, and TimeTable CINEK1.
2022 Fall, Period 1. Teaching Assistant for Algebra och geometri (SF1624), with TimeTable CMAST1, and TimeTable CDEPR1.
- 2022 Spring. Teaching Assistant for Calculus in Several Variable (SF1626), with TimeTable CITEH1 CMAST1, and TimeTable CDEPR1.
- 2021 Fall. Teaching Assistant for Algebra och geometri (SF1624), with TimeTable, CDATE1, and CINEK1.
- 2021 Fall. Teaching Assistant for Calculus in Several Variable (SF1686), with TimeTable, Basic Course in Mathematics (SF1690), with Timetable.
Teaching at Uppsala University
- 2020 Fall. Teaching Assitant for Linear Algebra II (1MA323, Master Programme in Electrical Engineering, year 3, E3).
- 2020 Fall. Teaching Assitant for Linear Algebra II (1MA323, Master Programme in Molecular Biotechnology Engineering, year 2, X2.A)
- 2020 Spring. Mentor of an undergraduate student (10 credits).
Patrik Deigård, Liouville’s equation on simply connected domains, Bachelor Thesis (Kandidatarbete), 58 pages, Uppsala University, 2020 June, DiVA, id: diva2:1466472.
- 2019 Fall. Teacher for 1MA011 (Differential Geometry).
2017 Feb. Lecture Series in Algebraic Geometry: Bridgeland Stability Conditions (I), (II), (III) (6 hours mini-course), the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CUHK.
2015 Nov. Lecture Series in Algebraic Geometry: Lectures on Bayer-Macrì’s Nef Line Bundle Theory I, II (Two lectures, 4 hours), HKUST.
Teaching at HKUST.
Below is a list of my previous teaching at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. All courses were taught in English.
- 2012 Fall. Training to all new Teaching Assistants, Department of Mathematics, HKUST.
- 2012, Fall. LaTeX Tutorial.
- 2011, Spring. Ordinary Differential Equation.
- 2010, Fall. Differential Geometry. I won the Best Teaching Assistant Award of the Math Dept of HKUST in 2011 for this course.
- 2009, Fall. Concept in Math.
- 2009, Fall. Linear Algebra.
- 2009, Spring. Analysis.
- 2008, Fall. Differential Geometry.
- 2008, Spring. Complex Analysis.
Teaching at Lanzhou University
All courses were taught in Chinese.
- 2004 Fall. Functional Analysis.
- 2004 Spring. Differential Geometry.
Teaching in High School
Jag undervisade några gymnasiekurser i matematik på svenska. Se länk för detaljer.
Några intressanta matteundervisningsvideor
Jag skulle vilja tacka följande pedagoger för deras gratis videor som undervisar i matematik på svenska.
Teaching Blog
Last update on 14 February 2025.